Monday, June 01, 2009


Today was Aden's big day! He is officially out of Kindergarten and now on to what he calls the "big kid stuff." I took him to a book store on Saturday to get ready for some summer reading. he informed me that picture books are not cool anymore. It is all about chapter books now. He picked out a Scooby Doo to start with and we will go back ever week for a new one.

As for the graduation ceremony-Aden was pretty stoic through the whole thing. Not sure what that kid is thinking we didn't get any pictures of him smiling until the end when he had his certificate and I forced him to smile. He can be pretty serious. He walked across the stage with his hand in his pocket. I guess he is practicing for a GQ shoot. He was very handsome and we sure do love this little big guy. Here are some pic to mark the day.
P.S. I think that was the only time I have ever seen a pledge to a state before!--After the pledge of allegience, the kids then said a pledge to the Texas state flag. These Texans sure are full of pride!


The Adkins Family said...

US and Texas flag pledge is done everyday. Texans are very proud people!

That is too funny about the books. He's moving on to bigger and better books!

Congrats on graduating! What school are you guys at, again?

Tiffany said...

He is soooooo cute!