Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy B-Day Brynn E.

She is now 4! Is it just me or does time go faster and faster the more kids you have ands the older they get? This last year seems to have gone the fastest for sure! Brynn has made some great progress. We are so excited for accomplishments. Her teacher informed me that she can now open the door to leave the classroom by herself. While we are all so proud of her for this, I know the teachers are going to have fun keeping her distracted and in the classroom! She has her first field trip with the school next week to Old McDonald's farm. I am anxious to see how she does. I have no doubt she will have tons of fun as she LOVES to be outside. I just know she will be all over the place.

We are getting excited to go the UT for Thanksgiving. Aden is hoping for snow once again. I hope it works out for him, seeing as we only get to visit every other year or so.

Cannen is battling a touch on pneumonia right now. Poor kido has to do albuterol with a nebulizer and he hates it. He fight and fights until he realizes he doesn't have a choice and then he just sits there and hums while I song him primary songs. I can't believe he'll be one next month!

Brynn had fun "blowing" out her candles. We practiced and she almost got it, but then decided she was going to lick the wick instead, so I hurried and blew it out for her. We had pumpkin cobbler--yummy!

Hope everyone has fun and stays safe on Halloween! Over and out.


The Adkins Family said...

Happy Birthday, Brynn! I soooo hate that time flies by as fast as it does! Hope you guys are doing great!

Holly Child said...

Ahhh! Happy Birthday Brynn!! Gosh...time sure does fly! I remember you and I hanging out in the mother's room together after having our babies the same year! :o) She sure is a cutie!