Tuesday, August 14, 2007


This is a public service announcement: The state of Texas has failed to teach any of it's drivers how to use a blinker!!! My pet peeve of all pet peeves!!!!! Unlike Ryan, I am not usually a honker. He has no problem honking, because he has no fear. I am always paranoid someone will chase me down or shoot me. But this no blinker thing has driven me to honking.
Anyways. Things are going good on the home front. We have just been very busy getting ready for all of the changes coming up this fall. Both kids are going to be going to school, so I have been filling out forms and getting Dr. releases signed. Aden is also playing soccer-his first time at organized sports. Brynn is going to be doing horse back riding therapy. My mom is coming to visit and to help decorate the house. Then we have all of our birthdays, the new baby and the holidays to think about. Time goes too fast! Hope ya'll are doing well!