I was so happy we found this robot. Or should I say Santa found this robot. Apparently it was on Aden's list but we didn't find out about it until the week of Christmas. He had made a list in his class and was telling me he was worried Santa wouldn't get it. I had no idea he ever wanted a robot. I am sure if he did not get one, he would have figured the whole Santa thing out. I already had to tell him there is no tooth fairy. After he lost his first tooth, he was freaking out because he didn't want the tooth fairy ( a strange man with a beard, according to him) to come into his room in the middle of the night and he refused to go to bed. I am sure I could of come up with a creative way around the truth, but I must have been too tired at the time, so I just told him it was me to get him to be already! I was surprised after that he didn't suspect anything with Santa.
Ryan took most of Christmas a New Years week's off. It was nice to have him home. It really helped out tremendously. I am not sure how I will manage this summer with all the kids home all day. It is quite the feat with Brynn and Cannen. They have such a love/hate relationship. I am sure we will be at the YMCA lots!!!